佛山索弗克氢能源有限公司发表时间:2019-07-04 16:23 索弗克致力于固体氧化物燃料电池产品研究与开发,目前开发已微管式及板管式SOFC单电池、管式SOFC电堆;烷烃类气体重整技术及催化剂;管式SOFC燃料电池系统集成;光—氢综合应用系统,管式SOFC燃料电池热电联供研究;及其他应用领域的技术研究。公司科技研发项目《无人机用微管固体氧化物燃料电池(MT-SOFC)电源系统》已经获佛山市科技局立项,并予以科技经费支助。 The company focuses on the research of SolidOxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), including single tubular SOFC, tubular SOFC stack,hydrocarbon reforming technology and catalyst design, SOFC system, SOFCs powersystem in UAV application and other fuel cell application technologies indifferent fields. Currently the main products of our companyinclude MT-SOFC/battery system, SOFC tubes, key ceramic components, fuel gascatalytic reformation system, pressure reducing valve and dedicatedhydrogen/propane cylinder, hydrogen fuel cells for UAV, SOFC teaching apparatusand proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) teaching apparatus. |