浙江氢途科技有限公司Issuing time:2019-07-08 11:45 浙江氢途科技有限公司成立于2016年,致力于提供车用氢燃料电池系统产品及燃料电池汽车整车集成工程服务,拥有多年燃料电池发动机及其核心零部件正向开发经验。目前公司已经建成以博士、硕士和从业十年以上的高级工程师为核心的研发团队,核心业务涉及氢燃料电池发动机及其关键部件设计、发动机系统控制技术开发、整车集成工程服务等。公司现已经开发出35kW、36kW与42kW等多款通过国家强制检测的燃料电池发动机产品,产品核心技术指标处于行业领先地位。同时,公司各款发动机都具有良好的低温适应性和超长的使用寿命;其卓越的成本控制方案,使得产品性价比极高。 Founded in 2016, HydroT focuses on providing Fuel Cell Engine Products and Fuel Cell Vehicle Engineering Services to OEMs. Today, HydroT has set up a technical team centered on Ph.D., Master, and senior engineers. HydroT has worked on the original design of fuel cell engine and its core components for many years and has a series product with the power level 35kW, 36kW and 42kW passed the mandatory testing of National Quality Inspection Center. The core products have a better environmental adaptation ability and longer lifetime. With reasonable cost control, our products have excellent cost performance. |