绿光创新公司Issuing time:2019-07-04 16:31 加拿大绿光创新(Greenlight)是全球氢能源领域燃料电池测试设备领先的供应商,绿光创新(Greenlight)提供全自动化的PEM,DMFC, MCFC 和SOFC燃料电池的测试平台。重整和电解制氢装置测试系统,电动汽车电池测试系统。绿光创新同时可为你提供数据采集,和电池电压扫描监测系统硬件及软件和燃料电池夹具。我们的客户包括;福特、奔驰、宝马、通用、丰田、现代、标志、大众、本田、欧宝、AVL、Ballard、LG、三星、3M等等,绿光创新在北美、亚洲及欧洲设有销售和服务办事处。 Greenlight Innovation is the leading global supplier of fuel cell testing equipment for the hydrogen industry. Greenlight offers automated test equipment for PEM, DMFC, MCFC and SOFC fuel cells, reformers, electrolysers, and electric vehicle batteries. Greenlight has a line of data acquisition and cell voltage monitoring systems as well as fuel cell test hardware. Greenlight has sales and service throughout North America, Asia and Europe. |