北京华阳防静电工程有限责任公司Issuing time:2019-07-04 16:29 北京华阳不但代理Mikrosam公司和美国MJC公司的复合材料高压容器制造设备,并且还提供复合材料Ⅲ型Ⅳ型高压气瓶设计制造的技术转让,把用户制造高压气瓶的难度和风险降到最低。 Mikrosam公司提供Ⅲ型Ⅳ型CNG、氢气瓶的全自动缠绕生产线。Mikrosam不但向世界领先的汽车行业制造商Magna(麦格纳)交用了生产IV型高压复合气瓶的全自动纤维缠绕生产线,用于生产奥迪的车用气瓶,是世界上最先进的纤维缠绕生产线;还与日本丰田公司合作,成功交付了用于氢燃料瓶生产的缠绕专用设备。美国MJC公司在金属气瓶和内胆制造领域有着数十年的经验,他们的设备上已经生产出了数百万只金属内胆。美国MJC公司能够提供铝内胆生产的全套生产线,包括收口旋压机和强旋设备。能够从原材料铝管、铝板生产出高质量的铝内胆。 Mikrosam provide the Filament winding machine(FW) for cylinder maker, also supply fully automatic FW line for Type III and IV CNG, Hydrogen cylinder. Mikrosam has supplied a fully automatic FW line for the world-leading auto manufacturer, Magna to produce Type IV cylinder. It is the most advanced automatic winding and curing line in the world.MJC has decades of experience in the professional equipment about metal cylinder and liner. There’re several million of cylinder been produced from the production line made by MJC. MJC not only has much equipment produce experience, also provide liner process. |