北京七星华创流量计有限公司Issuing time:2019-07-04 16:28 北京七星华创流量计有限公司,是目前国内气体流量测控领域的领军企业。七星流量计秉承在气体流量测控领域近40年研发生产实力,从1979年开发出公司第一台模拟质量流量控制器D07-1/ZM,到2008年开发出公司第一台数字质量流量控制器CS200,始终以技术创新为基点,致力于为客户过程控制中精确测量控制气体的研究;致力于成为国际领先的气体流量测控产品服务商;致力于帮助客户提升设备性能;致力于实现核心零部件中国造的产业梦想。七星流量计专注于气体流量测控,为半导体、燃料电池、太阳能、真空镀膜、分析仪器等行业提供气体测控整体解决方案,营销服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚等全球主要国家和地区。未来的七星流量计,将继续专注气体流量测控,深耕发展,引领未来,坚持以客户需求为导向的持续创新,引领中国MFC行业发展。 Beijing Sevenstar Flow Co., Ltd.is a leading manufacturer of mass flow controller in China.Succeeding 40-year strength of R&D in mass flow controller, Sevenstar Flow developed first analog mass flow meter D07-1/ZM in 1979 until first digital mass flow controller CS200 was presented in 2008. Take technology innovation as basis, Sevenstar Flow is always committed to research accurate control of process gas for customers, help customers update tools performance and to realize China dream of industry.Sevenstar Flow contributes to measure and control of gas flow and offer solutions to SEMI, fuel cell, PV, vacuum coating, analysis devices etc. Now our global service centers are located in countries and areas of Europe, America and Asia. |